A new issue of Revitalizing Naturism has just been published

The issue is about what may be the main challenge facing naturism today. That is: why and how to stop being secretive about having an interest in naturism or social nudity. That will help correct the misunderstandings people you know have about naturism. Not only the people you discuss naturism with will know of your interest. But (with your permission) they will be able to tell their own acquaintances what you’ve told them. That can help you develop a network of naturist friends. Both you and naturism in general benefit the more people give it a try.

You can subscribe to the newsletter here, or read just the latest issue here.

New newsletter from Naturistplace: Revitalizing Naturism

There’s a specific purpose for this newsletter. It’s not a replacement for the blog, but instead is intended for the purpose indicated in the title. Since it needs to be read by as many naturists as possible, I intend it will always be free.

Here’s a brief summary of the purpose:

At the present time, naturism in the U.S. and around the world is facing some serious challenges. This newsletter will try to explain the issues and welcome a dialog with readers about how to deal with the challenges, revitalize naturism, and strengthen it for the future.

Please use the following link to subscribe:

If you have any questions before subscribing, just ask in the comments.